Rick Stein 是英国老资历的电视名厨,以做海陈菜为名,正在Cornwell开了很多若干少家饭铺、Fish & Chip 店等,借已经为BBC做过很多若干少个各天烹调饮食习气的系列。Rick Stein 接见了西南亚战东亚(包孕中国)等天,研讨当天的饮食习气战烹调足腕。
When the Japanese ambassador saw Rick Stein preparing sushi on a boat off Cornwall, he was not impressed. However, this sparked off an idea where Rick would go on a voyage of discovery ...
Rick Stein 是英国老资历的电视名厨,以做海陈菜为名,正在Cornwell开了很多若干少家饭铺、Fish & Chip 店等,借已经为BBC做过很多若干少个各天烹调饮食习气的系列。Rick Stein 接见了西南亚战东亚(包孕中国)等天,研讨当天的饮食习气战烹调足腕。
When the Japanese ambassador saw Rick Stein preparing sushi on a boat off Cornwall, he was not impressed. However, this sparked off an idea where Rick would go on a voyage of discovery ...展开